You Are Far More Courageous Than You Realize

September 8, 2010 at 4:24 pm 6 comments

Channeled for Life Tapestry by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

This week may be uncomfortable for many of you. You may feel as if you are at the starting gate and the gun has sounded; but you are only able to move through the gate with a great deal of effort. Winning the race is no longer your objective, just remaining awake and alert is.

We smile at your concerns. Please know that you have never experienced what you are currently experiencing, so you have no framework for appropriate behaviors or feelings. If you were about to give birth, would you not be allowed to display temper tantrums, emotional upheavals, exhaustion and many of the same feelings you are now experiencing?

You are giving birth to yourself. Just as was true for the birth of your baby, you are in the final stages of an extremely complex transition that has required every ounce of strength – both emotional and physical – that you have had in your past lives.

Unfortunately, there is no precedent for you to follow. You have never given birth to yourself in the physical form.

Prior to this incarnation, you expected to create your next life with the help of your spirit guides and similar entities in the spirit realms. Once on earth, you merely played the role you selected prior to birth and determined when it was time for you to return to the ethers for a “tune up.” Sometimes you were pleased with your efforts during your time on earth; and other times you were not. But for the most part, you accepted what happened and used those experiences to plan your next incarnation.

Never before have you allowed yourself to remove the veils that protect you from your memories in all of your lifetimes. In truth, you have not always even believed that there was a place such as the spirit world where you planned your next incarnation.

Some of you believed that you lived on earth or other environs only once. Others of you believed in reincarnation. And still others that you transitioned into an angel or were delivered to hell according to what occurred during your most recent lifetime. But in all of these beliefs, you did not allow yourself to access many or all of your reincarnations or the periods in-between reincarnations. You purposefully closed that part of your memory bank.

To do so, you forced yourself to negate certain physical, emotional and spiritual functions. And by so doing, incarnation after incarnation, you reduced your ability to access that information even when you tried. How could you possibly deny life between lives, if bits and pieces of past lives continuously seeped into your memory bank?

You created your belief patterns about afterlife and reincarnations for a variety of reasons. Most notably of which, you forced yourself to live, and thereby believe, in your physical bodies because your goal was to be fully incarnated physically.

You achieved that goal. But now you are so enmeshed in that goal that you have had to reconfigure your being to fully accept the reality of life on earth and other environs, as well as life between lives. Hence, the recent energy bursts. You are awakening to your true being – a glorious, sparkling being. But as is true for any earth pregnancy, to do so you have to shift your physical and emotional beings.

Those of you who have been pregnant, understand the dramatic shifts that seemed to occur daily throughout your pregnancy. There are those glorious days when all you can sense is the beauty of the moment and the darling baby growing within you. But there are the other days when you cannot wait to rid yourself of this cumbersome part of your body that seems to have no connection to you. You find yourself ranting about the silliest thing as you start crying in frustration trying to understand yourself. But earth pregnancy is such a common experience, that you accept and even joke about your discomfort, your body changes.

What you are currently experiencing during this energy shift is similar to the pregnancy we have just described – you are bloated with memories and feelings you do not understand. Everyone who moves from the Old Age to the New Age will undergo similar  physical shifts. The difference is – as scout masters and wagon train leaders – you are the first to do so.

Do not be afraid. You are birthing yourself – there will no miscarriages, stillbirths, or anything else you might be frightened about. You are merely exploring new territory that is going to become common. Your heroism in moving through this physical/emotional phase with little understanding and even less information. Your heroism will be acknowledged in the future, just as was true for the first explorers of the new world.

There is nothing wrong with you or your being. Allow yourself to move and shift at will – as you would if you were pregnant. And know from the depths of your being that your birth is extremely imminent. You have accepted the New Age. You have moved into the New Age spiritually. Now it is time for you to do the same physically and emotionally. And so you are in spurts – just as would be true if you were pregnant.

When will you give birth to yourself? As is true for all natural births, when the time is right. Some of you are in the birthing process now. Others will be in a few days and still others in a few months.

Those of you in the throes of birthing will know by the discomfort that appears to have arrived out of nowhere. You have been the beam of sunshine to others as they moved into their various phases of development. Today, or during your birthing process, you will feel like screaming at everyone – most notably the person or entity closest to you. Which is little different from those women who scream at the man who made them pregnant during the birthing process; and yet feel great love for that same man immediately after.

Allow yourself to scream and rant and rave. It will soon be over. And if you have not yet experienced such feelings, you will. But you will do so on a different level for you will have access to those scout masters and wagon train leaders who have experienced it already.

For those of you birthing this week or in the next few weeks. Hallelujah! A new you is about to be born. A you that will easily and effortlessly combine your new spiritual, physical and emotional beings. And yes, you will soon again be rays of sunshine. Allow yourself to fully experience your birth with all of its fears and joys, for you will share those thoughts with others in the near future.

We applaud you scout masters and wagon train leaders. You are far braver than even you realize…or at times, wish to be. Go in peace knowing that your current or soon-to-be feelings and experiences are as normal as giving birth…and just as joyous. So be it Amen.

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Entry filed under: new earth, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , .

Returning to Fear Helps No One A Breath of Sunshine

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. melissapdx  |  September 10, 2010 at 12:50 am

    Thank you Brenda for your amazing words. They are a beautiful confirmation and a calming force amidst the rocky week! 🙂


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  September 10, 2010 at 9:00 am

      Dear Melissa,
      How wonderful that my information is helping you through this transition. I also learn something new and applicable each time I channel.


  • 3. miecsha  |  September 10, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Thank you so much these last days I’ve felt very irritated. Tossing and turning, cold and body temp hot. I’ve had very sleepless nights does this means I’m birthing?


    • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  September 10, 2010 at 5:43 pm

      Dear Miecsha,
      I’m guessing it does – I’ve had similar reactions in the last few days. But then, the only way to know for sure is to ask yourself if you are. Isn’t being crabby just the worst! I’m usually very open and friendly. Fortunately, those around me aren’t noticing my personality shifts or just aren’t that bother by them. I was most irritated on the 8th and seemed to regain my “normal” bearings within a few hours. Hope the same is true for you.


  • 5. John Michael  |  September 16, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Dear Brenda, I am in awe at the information in your web site, the beautiful messages from your heart and the inspurational channelings that touched my heart. I will be 59 in Jan. and was recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma. The deep pain makes it so hard to be in joy, however, from your last message I feel that joy is what accelerates the “birthing” process. I’ve had tests, radiation and yesterday surgery. The next step is chemotherapy and I am so dearly praying to be an “early birther”. Love Light & Laughter….John Michael


    • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  September 16, 2010 at 9:18 am

      Dear John,
      I am so sorry that the chaos of the times and of this transition has manifested in cancer for you. The care taking part of me wants you to heal immediately, yet the spiritual part of me knows that you are moving through issues that are important to you at this time for a reason. From a selfish perspective, I so hope your inner being directs you to complete healing and that you will access those healing skills for others in the future. Follow your heart and you will know. Twenty years ago, I went through the “eye of the storm” – a time in which I didn’t think I would be able to ever laugh again. From your signature, you are moving into the joys of the New Age much faster than I did twenty years ago. May peace, joy, love and laughter be with you whatever decision you make.
      Another baby boomer who wishes only the best for you always,



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September 2010